Nominate a Teacher for an R.E.B. Award

The Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond is now accepting nominations for the R.E.B. awards for teaching excellence. We invite all parents, students, educators, and the community-at-large to nominate an outstanding teacher by visiting The Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond website. Nominations will be open through February 24, 2020.
The R.E.B. awards recognize public school teachers in the metropolitan Richmond area who have distinguished themselves by their inspiring classroom performance. They will give grants ranging from $4,000 to $12,000 each to approximately 15 teachers to support professional development activities. Recipients will need to share educational ideas and experiences with fellow teachers.
Eligibility for the award is limited to full-time classroom teachers in kindergarten through 12th grades who have completed a minimum of three years of full-time service and are employed by the public school divisions of the city of Richmond, counties of Chesterfield, Hanover, and Henrico, and the Department of Juvenile Justice.
The program was developed by The Community Foundation and is funded by the R.E.B. Foundation. Since its inception, nearly $4 million has been awarded to over 800 public school instructors. Numerous Hanover County Public Schools teachers have received this distinguished award, including three recipients in 2019.